Medical technology challenges conveyor technology and automation specialists

The life expectancy of us is continually increasing. According to Statista, men born in 2015 had a life expectancy of 78.4 years; women had a life expectancy of 83.4 years. Life expectancy for 2060 is assumed to be 84.8 years for men and 88.8 years for women. One reason for this is the increasing effectiveness of medicine and therapies, which are only affordable through automated production. Automation permeates all areas of pharmaceutical and medical technology production.

Specific requirements and challenges

The pharmaceutical and medical technology industry has particular requirements and challenges for conveyor technology manufacturers and automation companies, such as long development times for medical technology products. Companies need reliable materials handling specialists who have been on the market for a long time. In addition, there are challenges concerning the entire production environment: clean rooms, machine design, and materials play a central role in medical technology.

Conveyor technology solutions made of high-quality materials

Montech – founded in 1964 – offers specific conveying solutions for the medical industry, which are made of high-quality materials to meet the high requirements. For example, a vacuum conveyor and a clean room conveyor. Due to the modular design of the conveyors, they can be individually assembled and efficiently and cost-effectively extended or shortened at any time.

Cleanroom conveyor for cleanroom class ISO 5

The cleanroom conveyor developed by Montech has obtained the ISO 5 certification from the Fraunhofer Institute. It is used in pharmaceutical and medical companies as feeding and discharge conveyor in stand-alone manufacturing plants or to link different production lines.

Vacuum conveyor for higher productivity

The Montech vacuum conveyor transports all types of packaging as well as blisters at high speed. Compared to conventional conveyors, it has a more dynamic acceleration and deceleration ramp and higher transport speed. The vacuum conveyor does not have an unproductive return – like conventional handling solutions – and therefore helps increase productivity in the production.

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